Smells like the happiest day of your life – anticipation & setting up the looping process…

    Smells like the happiest day of your life - anticipation & setting up the looping process... One of the organisations I consulted for was a leading manufacturer of flavours and fragrances. They are one of the largest unknown companies in the world – their products are integrated in almost every household and luxury ...

By |2018-07-25T16:13:33+02:00July 25th, 2018|

Are you committing any of these innovation monetizing failures?

Are you committing any of these innovation monetizing failures? One of the companies I worked for is a startup that made 3D goggles for medical applications at the start of the millenium. Better than anything that was on the market then. How cool is that for doctors - being able to actually stand inside a ...

By |2018-06-14T10:44:03+02:00June 18th, 2018|

The dream customer

  The dream customer In 2012, the first major collaboration between Chrysler and Fiat produced a brand new version of the classic 1970s Dodge Dart, to a lukewarm reception. Why? At least three reasons: including a manual transmission for a mainly automatic transmission buying audience; installing a European style dual clutch, for mainly American buyers ...

By |2018-06-14T10:46:23+02:00May 29th, 2018|

What are the key learning moments in your leadership?

  What are the key learning moments in your leadership? When I was a global talent director I sent managers to very expensive training courses but soon realised they were not learning anything. By learning I mean changing behaviour. So I set out to understand what were the key learning moments that actually led to ...

By |2018-06-14T10:52:07+02:00March 15th, 2018|
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